
Conditions for obtaining the right to use the label "Grassland Product"

1. GENERAL CONDITIONS (applicable to all label beneficiaries)


The purpose of the 'Grassland Product' label (hereinafter referred to as the Label) is to provide information to the public on the producer or service provider's contributions to the conservation and restoration of semi-natural grasslands. To apply for the right to use the Label, the applicant must complete the application form, by which they confirm they have read the conditions for obtaining the Label and that their activities meet the criteria of the conditions. Upon receiving the application, the Latvian Fund for Nature starts the assessment of the applicant for compliance with the conditions.

The Label is awarded to producers and service providers who include managed permanent grasslands in their production process or service provision, which are:

  • Semi-natural grasslands (BVZs in Latvia), including European Union (EU) protected grasslands, bird and protected species habitats
  • Potential BVZs (grasslands that have been ecologically managed long-term and have characteristics of biologically valuable grasslands, but do not meet the minimum requirements of a BVZ) 
  • Permanent grasslands which have not been substantially altered, fertilised (excluding grazing livestock manure) or dredged, and have been ecologically managed for at least 10 years
  • Grasslands being naturalized through restoration processes (including mechanical tillage and grass sowing) in accordance with a grassland restoration plan approved by the Nature Conservation Agency Republic of Latvia (DAP).

Semi-natural grasslands – European Union (EU) protected grassland habitats must comprise at least 0.3 ha of the total area managed.

Permanent grasslands must be managed in a sustainable manner which contributes to the conservation and enhancement of grassland biodiversity. Beneficiaries of the Label who do not own grazing livestock must have their grasslands cut, harvest the resulting mass and ensure its beneficial use.

Products must comply with Latvian quality control regulations and are labelled in accordance with product labelling regulations. The producer is responsible for compliance with quality and labelling requirements.

The use of the Label is governed by its manual. The mark must be visible on the product packaging or next to the information about the service. It shall be affixed to the product packaging in the form of a sticker or integrated into the product label.

Failure to comply with the conditions shall result in the loss of the right to use the mark. The conditions may be specified as appropriate.


Products are obtained from animals born and raised in Latvia.

Livestock nutrition

Livestock must be in pasture during the grazing period (a minimum of 150 days). On dairy farms, calves up to 6 months of age are excluded.

At least 50% of the grazing area must be permanent grassland (at least 50% of the grazing period must be spent on permanent grassland).

The stocking density must be adequate for grassland management, animal welfare and nutrient requirement (stocking density not exceeding 0.9 livestock units per ha per grazing season on average).

In winter, permanent grassland may be used for grazing if the stocking density is low and the forage supply is sufficient, without creating damage to the grassland and excessive concentrations of manure.

Grass fodder must constitute 100% of the animal's diet. In cases where the quality or quantity of grass fodder can not sufficiently meet the physiological needs of the animals, cereals may be included in the ration up to a maximum of 30% of the dry matter content. This does not apply to beef calves, lambs and goat kids during suckling period and to dairy calves  during milk feeding period.

Purchased livestock must be present on the farm for at least one grazing season. This condition does not apply to animals purchased from a farm which has been awarded the right to use the 'Grassland Product' label.

Livestock identification


Livestock must be identified in compliance with EU legislation (Regulations No 1760/2000 and No 911/2004) and in Cabinet Regulation No 134 "Procedures for the registration and identification of livestock and aquaculture animals, their flocks and herds and accommodation facilities", i.e.: for all bovine animals [(incl. bovines (Bos spp.) and sumbria (Bison spp.)]:

1. Must be ear-tagged in both ears within 20 days of birth

2. Must be registered (in the farm register and in the Agricultural Data Center (LDC) database)

3. Must provide details of their movements (in a movement declaration or report in the LDC EZIS)

4. Must provide additional information as required in Cabinet Regulation No. 134.

Sheep and goats

Livestock must be identified in compliance with EU legislation (Regulation No. 21/2004) and Cabinet Regulation No. 134 "Procedure for registration of agricultural and aquaculture animals, their herds and keeping places and identification of agricultural animals", i.e.: all goats and sheep [(including mouflon (Ovis spp.)]:

1. Must be ear-tagged in both ears within 30 days of birth

2. If the sheep or goat is exported to another Member State of the European Union, the animal shall be fitted with an electronic ear tag in the left ear before export

3. Must be registered (in the farm register and in the Agricultural Data Center (LDC) database)

4. Must provide details of their movements (movement declaration or report in the LDC EZIS)

5. Must provide other information as required in Regulation (EC) No 134.

Animal welfare

The Cabinet of Ministers' Regulation No. 5 "General Welfare Requirements for Livestock" and the "Animal Protection Law" must be observed in the rearing of cattle, sheep and goats. Cabinet Regulation No. 491 "Welfare requirements for calves" must be complied with for the rearing of calves.

Grazing records

A grazing register must be kept to record grazing conditions and information. Each grazing period, the number of livestock in each field must be recorded. Grazing records shall be kept in paper or electronic format. Grazing does not need to be recorded if semi-natural grassland comprises at least 50% of the managed area.

Additional conditions

The use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or GMO derivatives in the form of seed or fodder is prohibited.

The use of Belgian Blue cattle or their cross-breeds for production is not supported by the Label. Beef must obtained from cows, heifers and steers (castrated bulls).


The producer must ensure that the apiary is within a 3 km radius of at least 90 ha of permanent grassland, of which at least 30 ha must be semi-natural grasslands.

The producer shall annually submit coordinates of bee hives and information on which hives the Grassland Honey has been obtained from, to the Latvian Fund for Nature.

Separation of Grassland Honey batches from other honeys must be ensured.

The producer must comply with Cabinet Regulation No. 134 "Procedure for registration of agricultural and aquaculture animals, their herds and keeping places and identification of agricultural animals".


Other types of products (teas, cosmetics, food, etc.) qualify for the Label if they are produced using plants harvested from permanent grasslands, including semi-natural grassland areas.

Seed growers qualify for the Label if the seeds are harvested from semi-natural grasslands and they are registered in the Register of Seed Growers and Seed Traders of the State Plant Protection Service.

Craftsmen (potters, stonemasons, woodcarvers, weavers, barrelmakers, blacksmiths, leatherworkers, jewellers, toolmakers, etc.) are eligible if their products promote the importance of semi-natural grasslands as a vital ecosystem for society.

For tourism and recreation services, the Label may be awarded if permanent grasslands (including semi-natural grasslands) are used for the service and the importance of semi-natural grasslands as a vital ecosystem for society is promoted.

The collection of plants and seeds for the production of products or the provision of a service must be carried out in a manner which does not damage the grasslands.