
Jurijs, Ilga, Jānis Ivanovi - Farmstead Bites

Herbal syrups.Tourism.Craft products.

In the Zaļesje parish of Ludza district, the Ivanov family has established a diverse farm, paying attention to the preservation and restoration of the dry sand meadows on their property. The dry sand meadows are particularly vibrant in May and June when harebells, wild carnation clusters, and several specimens of green-flowered and other colored orchids bloom.

Ilga Ivanova and the "Bites" farm are the heart of Zilupe, and through her vision, many Latvian residents fall in love with this place. Ilga and her family also offer educational events for tourists and students about meadow plants and their significance. During the blooming of the meadow, they organize evening gatherings with fireflies. Children will be interested in observing the "underground cities" created by insects and the inter-meadow highways. Perhaps they will be lucky enough to see butterflies or the diverse family of corvids. Upon request, they also conduct Nature Classes according to the content of natural science lessons.

The Ivanov family prepares syrups from meadowsweet, water mint, pine cones, and buds on the farm. They offer various creative workshops on-site at the farm, as well as puzzle constructors, birch bark products, and clay items.

Where to buy?

Ordering products and applying for visits: tel. no. 28656530, e-mail: