
SIA Sita Nature Park

Beef, processed products.Venison, processed products.

Jurij Prokofjevs describes himself as a "crazy hunter," which is why he wanted to set up a deer garden on his rural property. He has succeeded in doing so, and he owns a 150-hectare deer garden in the bend of the Pededze River. However, in addition to the deer garden, Jurij has also acquired natural floodplain meadows, which encompass the bend of the Pededze River. The flooding river dictates that the meadows cannot be used for anything other than grazing, so Jurij has a herd of Aberdeen Angus and Hereford cattle.

The biggest challenge for the farm is to coexist with and understand the wild and untouched nature that prevails in the Sita Pededze Nature Reserve. The natural meadows are an integral part of Jurij's farm - indicator species are found almost at the doorstep, so caring for the meadows is part of the work. These meadows have been here for centuries, so they are governed by the laws of nature, which one must live by and manage accordingly. The meadows also give back - providing hay and pasture, and they are an excellent place for bees to collect honey. The herd also serves its function - grazing the floodplain meadows, natural grasslands are restored and maintained.

Jurij is a member of the cooperative society "Latvijas liellops," and the beef raised on the farm can be purchased through the cooperative's online store.

Where to buy?

Product ordering: KS "Latvijas liellops" e-shop (if this manufacturer's product is not available in the e-shop at the moment, please call tel. 27027706 or send e-mail to: )