
Business opportunities in semi-natural grasslands seminar


74b80715-f89d-45cf-9a3b-37b1a6fb60a5.webpJuly 7, in Antiņciems recreation area "Dare atpūtas pļava", the second face-to-face seminar of this year was held for grassland enthusiasts, where semi-natural grassland managers Sanita Matule and Indulis Skrebelis shared their experience on how to develop business in semi-natural grasslands.

Participants had the opportunity to find out more about natural grassland management and business opportunities in small grasslands, learn about medicinal and everyday wild plants and how they can be used for food. There was also an introduction to and tasting of products from the "Sanita's Meadow bounty" brand. The raw materials for these products are harvested in EU protected grassland habitats.